The latest concept designs for the updated 'block and stack' plans have now been released. These plans outline potential locations for clinical services and departments in the new hospital.
22 May 2024
Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback on the latest block and stack plans. Consultation has now closed.
The Women’s and Children’s Health Network, along with the New WCH project team and architects, will now carefully review all feedback to finalise the location of clinical spaces and departments in our new building.
30 April 2024
Staff and patients have helped to update the concept design layout plans, with their feedback resulting in changes to the location of some departments and to the shape of the building to ensure the hospital can best meet the needs of patients and staff.
You can access the plans and additional resources below, and on the Resources page.
Feedback is now being sought on the latest block and stack plans. The feedback provided will be used to finalise the location of clinical spaces in our new building.
Consultation will close at 5pm on Tuesday, 21 May 2024.
A new flyover showing updated concept designs of the hospital’s exterior has also been unveiled. The latest flyover and artist impressions can be viewed in the Gallery.
Frequently Asked Questions
Since the previous ‘block and stack’ consultation, the plans have been updated and responds to the feedback received from consumers and staff.
This has resulted in new functions being added into the building and changes to the location of some departments. The shape of the building has also been changed to improve operational functionality to ensure our hospital can best meet the needs of our staff and consumers. An index listing the services and departments on each level is available here.
All inpatient units, including Neonatal Services are now arranged in the star shape providing greater operational functionality. The star tower now connects to the ground level, rather than sitting on the podium.
The mortuary has been relocated to level 1 and will have access to a discreet dedicated outdoor area at ground level providing immediate access to being on Country. This will allow the facilitation of cultural ceremonies on Country and provide a safe space.
There will be 9 levels in the new hospital and the helipad has been relocated to a raised heliport deck between levels 7 and 8 and is well connected to the Emergency Department, Medical Imaging and Operating Theatres.
The location of each area within the new hospital has been informed by the feedback provided by our consumers and staff.
There will be further consultation during the next stage of the design phase – Schematic Design - which will look at each individual department. If you are interested in being involved, register your interest here.
By grouping the wards on levels 3, 7, 8 and 9, logistical connections are supported for ease in coordinating activities, sharing resources and facilitating communication between staff members. It also improves operational efficiencies, streamlines workflows and enhances patient care.
The wards also benefit from greater access to natural light and city and Park Lands views.
The proposed location of Paediatric Outpatient Services, and Mental Health Outpatient Services is on level 2, with Women’s Outpatient Services proposed to be located on level 3.
Allied Health Outpatient Services (including Paediatric Rehabilitation, Child Development Unit and Chronic Pain) will be located on level 3.